Wait Watch Welcome


The year: hungry-to-see-with-gratitude-and-wonder-what-is-and-beyond-inviting-others-on-this-journey

2022 ended as a long year even though the number of months remained as all other years.

Energy has slowly leaked into complete weariness resulting in colds, little sleep, headaches, and very short tempers.

We decorated a tree, waited to welcome…

We watched Kirsty turn 29, Bella Woof 13, and Wim complete his two-year Spiritual Direction course.

We watched the flickering flames as we lit the last 3 Advent candles called Peace, Joy, and Love.

We watched the sun stop on December 21st – Winter Solstice. Everything was turning…

And then the Welcome happened as we celebrated once again – Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of man’s entrance into our world, offering us the hope, the peace, the joy, and the love for this now and every now after this.

As everything turns slowly, we welcome the coming of the Son in every now, and the returning of the sun – Spring!

Through it all, a season has ended for us, we realised. Now we walk, wait, and watch to welcome a new season with hope, peace, joy, and love.