Creativity stirs my spirit. From a pen, a brush, a blotch of colour flow my love for the letter and the word.

Meet Amanda (About)


I’m Amanda – ‘n Afrikaanse Amanda. (Proudly South African and will always be.) So you’ll even find Afrikaans in this space. Just because its part of me.

I’m honoured that you pause and walk a bit with me. Let’s slow down. See pretty. Taste eternal goodness. Hear heavenly whispers. Feel presence. Smell life’s fragrance. Seek the beauty and quiet of this wondrously, messy, everyday life, all of life. Delight in the moment – it is after all only grace.

The daughter of a paper maker, I am.
I love paper.
I love writing.

I love books. There is one Book, it shapes my day and my view with a passion. So you’ll find reference to it in my writing.

Creativity stirs my spirit. From a pen, a brush, a blotch of colour flow my love for the letter and the word.

I’m all for life. For creating space, for welcoming, for celebrating victories, for standing in setbacks, for second chances, for keeping it simple.

Come live these words with me. Well, the only words that matter are the ones I seek to live.

We exchanged the African sun, dust and ants for tar, structure and culture of Europe…


The forever-student and teacher of Father’s love; the handsome dude with computer fingers; the off-beat one who charms stranger and friend with her joy and the scruffy, black dog that was adopted. We walk together.

This is my one life – textual moments of choosing life.

What I write, will be my gift to you. May it colour your life with hope.


“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.”

– Erma Bombeck