The Eye Goes…
Coffee after the traffic around the Ring (high way around Brussels) and through the yellow and orange-brown forest started the lesson with paper, brushes and paint. Focus for a few hours on sketching, mixing paint, enough water to fade out strong colour and we are on our way to creating with the master demonstrating.
“Put the detail where you want the focus to be. The eye goes to where the colour is the strongest and where the most detail are,” he says. And my eye wants to have detail on the petal at the top and under the other leaf and the shadow on the pot and behind and then there is the…
“Look,” he says. I stand up and look from a distance, squinting the eyes. Focus.
Then I see and I add a darker colour mix, delicate nerves, more shadow. And the eye goes… Other petals and leaves are vaguely there supporting the focal point.
What a bland, boringness with too much all over and no focal point with gorgeous colour and delicate detail.
Focus and the eye goes…
Focus and see…
Focus and see beauty.
Focus and see the Beauty!