Two Sides
Two sides of the coin
dancing and sadness,
they touch…
(Something special my father did. He collected the coins minted the years in which my sister and I were born.)
We walk the forest or run when the mood is especially all shades of grey.
One day is not the same as 5 days a week, day-care-fun for Kirsty but it sure is a breather for us. But she loved every drive on windy or rainy days or when she simply refused to go for a walk.
Zoom and other technical ways of meeting up are helpful, (staff meetings, prayer times, pre-marital counselling, and church services) but oh, so much more tiring. Wim’s group who meets monthly for counselling training and supervision, were happy to meet in person again, of cause behind masks.
We miss our family and almost-lifelong friends from South Africa. Zoom is a handy tool to catch up with. It does not replace hugging the frail frame of my mother, nor holding my sister’s hand before surgery and caring for her after surgery or hugging family after a precious friend and colleague stepped over into the other Kingdom.
Some could catch their breath in this time while others experienced loss and grief as it was expressed in the Grief and Loss Support group run by Wim and another member of our local church.
Tick bites did not stop us from walking the forest, barefoot.
Sadness and dancing
don’t go towards each other
they simply go together.
That is life.